Taido/Blog began in 2005 with two goals:
- to spread knowledge of Taido theory to people who don’t speak Japanese, and...
- to share ideas about how to do Taido better.
Since then, a lot of people have been using this site as a reference for Taido theory, technique, and training. I continue to add new content in these areas as often as I can (which is probably not as often as I should).
However, as more people have found Taido/Blog, an entirely unexpected benefit has emerged. People are using this site as a tool to get in touch and share their own experiences and ideas. Taido students all over the world have taken advantage of Taido/Blog as a way to make contact with others who share their passion.
I feel truly privileged to be able to help bring people together in this international community of Taido students.
Who is Andy Fossett?
Hello. My name is Andy Fossett, and I love Taido.
Since I began practicing Taido in Atlanta in 1984, I’ve spent thousands of hours studying, practicing, and teaching.
I’ve traveled to several different countries, competing on four continents and even winning a few medals. I’ve founded a dojo, judged competitions, taught seminars, and written for printed and online media. I’ve also made a lot of friends.
? More details on my Taido experience and history
My Current Roles in Taido
Since Taido is a minor martial art, and there are not so many of us practicing for so long, many of us serve in a number of different roles in addition to simply training and teaching at our respective dojo.
Here's my current roles in Taido:
- Director: American Taido Association
- General Secretary: World Taido Federation
- Head Instructor: East Tokyo Taido Association
My rank is 6dan kyoshi, and I am relatively undistinguished in competition. I sometimes judge tournaments, but I don't really enjoy it.

My Goal
My biggest dream is build a strong friendship among Taido students worldwide. I believe we can’t help but make Taido grow if we combine our strengths and share our experiences freely and openly.
At the very least, it will be a lot of fun to try.
Most of all, I hope you can find something on this site to stimulate your own thought and improve your Taido in some way.
Three Short Disclaimers
- This is just a website. It’s not a big deal. Though you’re welcome to disagree with anything I write, there’s no reason to get upset about the opinions I express here. I give you my permission to not read Taido/Blog.
- Taido/Blog has nothing to do with any official Taido organization. It is produced by me – Andy Fossett. Nothing you find on this site implies certification, warranty, or guarantee beyond my say-so.
- I write a lot about training methods. Please, don’t injure yourself or develop bad technical habits by trying to do things you’re not ready for. Always defer to your instructor’s direction on all matters regarding technique and training.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions or comments, please by all means, get in touch. I’m actually a pretty nice person, and I would love to hear from you.
Finally, thanks for being here.